This is my first post and I'm going to take full advantage of opening with saying, thank you and that I'm proud you got up today :)
Now I know I wont write every week or so, I'm kinda in the middle of my exams at the moment but I wanted to take this time to give some of you just a little bit of hope and love, to make sure that you all know that you are beautiful and you deserve to be told so. I know many of you will have blogs of your own, and they are amazing too, I like to take time to look at them, if you want me to take a look just comment your url and I will take a look.
Ok, now I love writing, reading and just hiding really, I'm sure many of you would agree but I would love to get to know you, as I'm always here to listen. I know lots of you will be having lots going on in your lives, exams and pressure and friends and just people in general, just know I'm here for you and I'm always here to listen to you.
I will write little things like tips of exams and things and little things in life you may need a little help with, any suggestions just tell me, I'm willing to listen. I will post things randomly and it wont be a regular thing but trust me if you keep coming back, I will too.
Ok, so my first thing I really want to say to you is that you are wonderful, just amazing in your own way and don't let anyone tell you different, no matter who you are, you are beautiful and I love you for finding me, because I'm always willing to tell you that.
Thank you for finding me and I will be posting more soon, anyways, speak to you soon
Little piece of love and hope <3
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