Sunday, 18 May 2014


Today, look in the mirror for me and say, 'I'm beautiful' because you are, you are a human being shaped in that form, there is no other you, embrace that, if this world loses another bright individual star in the sky, I cant even bare the thought of it. Have you tried keeping a diary? Try the unusual ones, like the wreck it journals or even go even more exciting and keep a book, and every day read a page, and highlight the words to best describe your day and write the dates in the corners, this way you will be able, at the end of the year, to look back and see how you felt on individual days. This can help you see that the happiest days are the best days and you deserve to have a happy day, every day. Love yourself and others around you because you never know how long you are going to be here for, so say as you feel, but don't hurt others, treat others the way you would want to be treated. Love, live, life.

Little bit of love and hope <3

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